Tuesday 17 October 2017

Kermit the Frog replica

Hi ho fans. Today I'm going to show you my Kermit the Frog puppet replica.

Okay so my Kermit replica is 16 inches tall ans is made out of a green polyester fleece blanket and yes I know hat he is sort of aqua green but it was the only green I could find and I like it. He has ping pong ball eyes with felt pupils. The tongue is made of pink foam paper and a mouth plate made out of red cardboard. His collar has all eleven points and is made of thick lime green felt.

I hand sewed his head, torso, arms and legs but the flippers, hands and other features are hot glued. His fingers are bendable and his body is stuffed with polyester bating. His arm rods are wooden barbecue skewers.


I really like how he turned out and I think the best part is the face I mean it's pretty realistic.

Well that's all for today, next I will show you my Miss Piggy replica so stay tuned.


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